

“Long-Term Lessons: Understanding Trauma’s Lasting Effects and Importance of Trauma-Informed Care in Education,” co-keynote presentation at TEFL Kuwait’s “Navigating New Educational Frontiers” international (remote) conference, November 18th, 2023. 


“Reform Reconsidered: A Historiography of Education and Juvenile Justice” paper presented at the History of Education Society’s Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 2023.

 “The Case for Preparation: Why and How Teachers Should Learn to Teach Controversial Issues” paper presented at the New York State Foundations of Education Association 49th Annual Conference, New York, New York, 2023.

 “Amos Bronson Alcott: A Precursor to Philosophy for Children” paper presented at the Philosophy and Education’s Colloquium Series, Teaching College, Columbia University, New York, 2021.

 “Uncovering the Uncovered: Youth Conservative Activism in the 1960s” paper presented at the Rutgers History Honors Conference, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 2015.

 “Ideologically Independent: Why Perceiving the Independent Voter as a Myth is a Problem” paper presented at the Leadership Alliance National Symposium, Stamford, Connecticut, 2014.

 “Ideologically Independent: Why Perceiving the Independent Voter as a Myth is a Problem” paper presented at the New York University Summer Research Symposium, New York, New York, 2014.