Student in Introduction to Education (End of Year Survey, 2023)

“Professor Max Jacobs had created a greatly positive and enthusiastic classroom environment consistently throughout the semester, encouraging me to do my hardest and open my mind to learn greater knowledge regarding education. I believe this course had strengthened my writing and learning skills, allowing me to also think of my future as a teacher/educator as well.”

Student in Introduction to Education (Survey, 2023)

“I really like that students are allowed to give their own opinions on topics we discuss in class but are not forced to speak. I find that I am a lot more willing to participate in class because I am given this option of when and when not to explain my stance, and I think the class seems to flow a lot better when people are not randomly called on. I also think sharing opinions in a more informal way is beneficial for everyone because it makes you really think about the subject in your own personal life as opposed to just viewing the topics as part of the coursework. I also really enjoy when we are assigned group work because I find that it is more comfortable discussing topics in smaller groups and allows us to get more comfortable with our classmates.”

Student in Introduction to Education (Survey, 2023)

I like how we are given opportunities to express our opinions.

Student in Introduction to Education (Survey, 2023)

“The engaging and active environment that Professor Jacobs sets allows students like me to actively show interest and participation with the rest of the class!!”

Student in Introduction to Education (End of Year Survey, 2023)

“Max made this class super enjoyable which resulted in my intellectual growth and progress. He showed genuine interest so as a student I wanted to match that energy in class and we had so many valuable discussions and assignments.”

Student in Introduction to Education (End of Year Survey, 2023)

“Professor Jacobs helped me by discussing after the class to clear up questions on the topic as well as further discussing what each of the readings mean. Additional professor Jacobs promoted discussion among groups of students regarding readings allowing the students time to analyze while additionally providing the framework with which the articles read were framed. In addition he aided the students in understanding the material where necessary. The combination of this allowed me to gain a better understanding of the topic which are meaningful to what I want to do with my future, and are topics which have promoted me to think deeper about how I understand the world.”